4.ª Consulta de 2013 para venda a destino final de óleos lubrificantes usados

A Sogilub, sociedade constituída ao abrigo do Decreto-Lei 153/2003, de 11 de Julho, responsável, em Portugal, pela gestão da rede de recolha, transporte, armazenamento e valorização de óleos lubrificantes usados, encontra-se a consultar o mercado com o intuito de proceder à  venda de óleos lubrificantes usados gerados em Portugal durante o quarto trimestre de 2013, tendo como destino a Regeneração e Reciclagem.

4th Consultation of 2013 to sell used lubricant oils to final destination

Sogilub, a company created under the terms of Decree-Law no. 153/2003, of July 11th, responsible, in Portugal, for the management of the used lubricating oils system, which includes collection, transportation, storage and recovery,  is conducting a market consultation in order to proceed with the sale of used lubricating oils generated in Portugal during the fourth quarter of 2013, having as destination the Regeneration and Recycling.